Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Len's life story, so far

Hi thank you for looking at my blog I hoped you liked it. Im going to tell you about my life and what great expeirences I've have gone through. I was born on Febuary 10 1996, in Mckenna Hospital, to my mom and dad. I have lived in New Braunfels for my entire life, and I love it. I have gone to NBCA for my entire life, but I'm sad to say that I will be leaving to go to Canyon High School. I will miss this school and my friends, but i will be able to make new ones. The funny thing I think about heading off to Canyon High School is that, I will be going from a class of 14 to over 600, HAHA. God will take care of me though, and my parents have pray'd for along time about this, and I know it is a smart choice...


  1. Len, this is wonderful! You truly have expressed yourself through this blog! I am very proud of you for working on this with such a vengeance! I enjoyed reading this post about you!
    ~Mrs. A

  2. hey len amazing blog. I like your songs haha

  3. It sounds like you have thought about your decision a lot. Even though I am sure that you will do just fine at Canyon, we will still miss you and the energy that you bring to us. You are very one-of-a-kind. In a good way, Lol:) I like the "Len's life story, so far." It was very clever. You think outside of the box. Enjoy the rest of your life.

  4. hey guys thanks for the comments i hope you like what i have up so far on my blog....
